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The Face of Wrongdoing
An Expectancy violations perspective on CEO facial characteristics and media coverage of misconducting firms, with Mariano Heyden, Jun...

Do All Roads Lead To Rome
A multi-case analysis of informal learning and innovation, with Joyce Klein Marodin and Miikka Lehtonen Highlights Based on 27 interviews...

Team Dynamics and Innovation
A comparative network analysis, with Joyce Klein Marodin and Miikka Lehtonen Highlights While we know that networks are vital for team...

Networks of Innovative Teams
Current trends and future research avenues from a systematic literature review, with Joyce Klein Marodin and Miikka Lehtonen Highlights...

High-performance work system and transformational leadership for employee voice
The case of high power distance context, with Mats Ehrnrooth, Alexei Koveshnikov, and Balabanova Evgeniya Highlights Constructive...

Hidden Agenda for Cross-cultural Training
Understanding refugees’ cross-cultural experience through the capability approach, with Jeannie Lee Highlights Cross-cultural training...

Disasters and the Luck of the Draw
MNE decision-making through the lens of serendipity, with Gloria (Linglin) Zheng, Mariano Heyden, and Ricarda Bouncken. Highlights Why...

Expatriates’ Embeddedness and Host Country Withdrawal Intention
A Social Exchange Perspective, with Miikka Lehtonen and Alexei Koveshnikov. Highlights In this study, we conceptualize the thus far...

Employment Relationships and their Implications among Self-Initiated Expatriates
With Alexei Koveshnikov and Cecile Dejoux. Highlights In this paper, we explore the employment relationships of self-initiated...

Australian Workplace Index
Measure your workplace productivity and performance, with Christina Boedker The Australian Workplace Index offers a unique way to measure...

Health policy, implementation and effectiveness
The main aims of the collaboration between the University of Newcastle (Australia) and Aston University (UK) entailed an international...

Belongingness and employee work behaviours
With Yuli Suseno, School of Management, RMIT, Melbourne, Australia. Our research Recent studies showed that almost a quarter of...
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