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The Multifaceted nature of expatriate experience

Virtual special issue


The articles below advance knowledge on the multifaceted nature of expatriate experiences. The work presented focuses in particular on expatriate cross-cultural adjustment, resilience in the face of disruption, and the complexities of self-initiated expatriation, ultimately stimulating critical discussions for more nuanced strategies for managing our globally mobile workforce.

Expatriate cross-cultural adjustment


Wechtler, H., Koveshnikov, A., & Dejoux, C. (2015). Just like a fine wine? Age, emotional intelligence, and cross-cultural adjustment. International Business Review, 24(3), 409-418.


Wechtler, H., Koveshnikov, A., & Dejoux, C. (2017). Career anchors and cross-cultural adjustment among expatriates in a non-profit organization. Management International Review, 57, 277-305.


​Koveshnikov, A., Wechtler, H., & Dejoux, C. (2014). Cross-cultural adjustment of expatriates: The role of emotional intelligence and gender. Journal of World Business, 49(3), 362-371.



Expatriate resilience in the face of disruption


Moeller, M., Maley, J. F., Wechtler, H., Bai, T., & Zheng, L. (2023). Navigating Disruptive Events to Strengthen Global Managerial Resilience. AIB Insights.


Nielsen, B. B., Wechtler, H., & Zheng, L. G. (2023). Disasters and international business: Insights and recommendations from a systematic review. Journal of World Business, 58(4), 101458.


Koveshnikov, A., Lehtonen, M. J., & Wechtler, H. (2022). Expatriates on the run: The psychological effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on expatriates’ host country withdrawal intentions. International Business Review, 31(6), 102009.



Self-initiated expatriate experience


​Wechtler, H., Koveshnikov, A., & Dejoux, C. (2023). Employment relationships and their implications among self-initiated expatriates. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 34(11), 2265-2304.


Wechtler, H. (2018). “Life is elsewhere”: A diary study of female self-initiated expatriates’ motivations to work abroad. Career Development International.


Lehtonen, M. J., Koveshnikov, A., & Wechtler, H. (2022). Expatriates’ Embeddedness and Host Country Withdrawal Intention: A Social Exchange Perspective. Management and Organization Review, 1-30.​


Koveshnikov, A., Wechtler, H., Moeller, M., & Dejoux, C. (2022). Political skill and cross-cultural adjustment among self-initiated expatriates: the role of host employer's psychological contract fulfillment. Journal of Global Mobility: The Home of Expatriate Management Research, 10(3), 312-331.



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