Insights and recommendations from a systematic review, with Bo Nielsen and Gloria (Linglin) Zheng

Disasters – natural or manmade – are on the rise with far-reaching implications for international business (IB) actors and transactions. While the Covid-19 pandemic has generated much academic interest for its impact on business in general, little effort has been made to consolidate the fragmented research on disasters more broadly in the field of international business. Therefore, it is important and urgent to consolidate the existing knowledge to provide a solid basis for future research. We systematically review 132 articles published between 1991 and 2022 and critically evaluate the nascent but rapidly growing literature at the intersection of disasters and IB. Our examination of the different types of disasters (natural and manmade) shows two separate streams: (1) a dominant MNE-centric stream of strategic IB research which regards disaster as an exogenous shock impacting MNE strategies, responses, and resilience, and (2) an emergent stream which places disaster as a more central, embedded phenomenon of investigation impacted by MNEs and other global actors. Our systematic review highlights the gaps in this literature and concludes with a discussion of the intersection of IB-disasters in relation to the 17 United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to suggest directions for future research.
Nielsen, B., Wechtler, H., and Zheng, L., (2023). Disaster and International Business: Insights from a systematic review. Journal of World Business.
Nomination for the 2021 IM Division Georgetown Best Paper in International Business and Policy Award. Zheng, L. & Wechtler, H. (2021). Disasters and International Business: Insights and Recommendations from a Systematic Review. Academy of Management, Online, August 2021.
Sustainable Development Goals
