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Country Image, Animosity, and Xenophobia
Australian Travel Intentions in the Post-Pandemic era, with Arto Lindblom and Po-Hsin Lai Highlights The pandemic has significantly...

Vulnerable Migrants, the COVID-19 Pandemic, and International Business
A Vicious Cycle, with Eun Su Lee, Chiara Berardi and Chris Brewster Credit: This poster is part of an awareness raising campaign, 'Real...

The Power of Trust
Supporting innovative work behavior in times of crisis: Change-oriented leadership and the power of trust, with Yuli Suseno. Highlights ...

Disasters and the Luck of the Draw
MNE decision-making through the lens of serendipity, with Gloria (Linglin) Zheng, Mariano Heyden, and Ricarda Bouncken. Highlights Why...

Disasters and International Business
Insights and recommendations from a systematic review, with Bo Nielsen and Gloria (Linglin) Zheng Highlights Disasters – natural or...

A Vicious Cycle of Health (In)Equity
Migrant inclusion in light of COVID-19, with Chiara Berardi, Jeannie Lee, and Francesco Paolucci. Highlights Whilst mass vaccination is...

Expatriates on the run
The psychological effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on expatriates’ host country withdrawal intentions, with Alexei Koveshnikov and Miikka...
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