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Cross-cultural adjustment of global workers
Updating theory and practice, with Eun Su (Jeannie) Lee Highlights In this chapter, we firstly propose a brief reflection on current...

Navigating Disruptive Events to Strengthen Global Managerial Resilience
with Miriam Moeller, Jennifer Maley, Heidi Wechtler, Tao Bai, & Lingin Zheng Highlights The proliferation of global crises has sparked...

HPWS, leadership, and voice
The unique and relative importance of a high-performance work system and transformational leadership for constructive employee voice...

Leader psychopathy and workplace exhaustion
The uneven distribution of psychosocial hazards within organisations, with Christina Boedker and Julia Connell. Highlights SafeWork...

Leadership roles and orgnizational citizenship behaviors
The mediating effects of employees' trust and voice in times of crisis, with Yuli Suseno. Highlights Expanding on existing work...

The Power of Trust
Supporting innovative work behavior in times of crisis: Change-oriented leadership and the power of trust, with Yuli Suseno. Highlights ...

The Face of Wrongdoing
An Expectancy violations perspective on CEO facial characteristics and media coverage of misconducting firms, with Mariano Heyden, Jun...

High-performance work system and transformational leadership for employee voice
The case of high power distance context, with Mats Ehrnrooth, Alexei Koveshnikov, and Balabanova Evgeniya Highlights Constructive...

Hidden Agenda for Cross-cultural Training
Understanding refugees’ cross-cultural experience through the capability approach, with Jeannie Lee Highlights Cross-cultural training...

Disasters and the Luck of the Draw
MNE decision-making through the lens of serendipity, with Gloria (Linglin) Zheng, Mariano Heyden, and Ricarda Bouncken. Highlights Why...

Expatriates’ Embeddedness and Host Country Withdrawal Intention
A Social Exchange Perspective, with Miikka Lehtonen and Alexei Koveshnikov. Highlights In this study, we conceptualize the thus far...

Employment Relationships and their Implications among Self-Initiated Expatriates
With Alexei Koveshnikov and Cecile Dejoux. Highlights In this paper, we explore the employment relationships of self-initiated...

Authoritarian and Benevolent Leadership
The Role of Follower Homophily, Power Distance Orientation, and Employability, with Mats Ehrnrooth and Alexei Koveshnikov. Highlights...

Labor Unions and Workplace Performance
The effects of labor unions on workplace performance: New evidence from France, with Patrice Laroche Highlights How do unionization and...

Selecting for Retention
The Interactive Role of Coupledom and Mobility Frequency, with Will Felps, Colin Lee, and Tom Lee Highlights It is valuable when making...

Personality, job factors and entrepreneurs' exit intentions
Retail entrepreneurs’ exit intentions: Influence and mediations of personality and job-related factors, with Arto Lindblom and Taru...

Life is elsewhere
A diary study of female self-initiated expatriates' motivations to work abroad Highlights The purpose of this paper is to examine the...

The three graces of leadership
Untangling the Relative Importance and the Mediating Mechanisms of Three Leadership Styles in Russia, with Alexei Koveshnikov and Mats...

Optimism, entrepreneur's success and failure
Dispositional optimism, entrepreneurial success and exit intentions: The mediating effects of life satisfaction, with Arto Lindblom and...

Expatriates on the run
The psychological effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on expatriates’ host country withdrawal intentions, with Alexei Koveshnikov and Miikka...
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