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Country Image, Animosity, and Xenophobia
Australian Travel Intentions in the Post-Pandemic era, with Arto Lindblom and Po-Hsin Lai Highlights The pandemic has significantly...

Cross-cultural adjustment of global workers
Updating theory and practice, with Eun Su (Jeannie) Lee Highlights In this chapter, we firstly propose a brief reflection on current...

Navigating Disruptive Events to Strengthen Global Managerial Resilience
with Miriam Moeller, Jennifer Maley, Heidi Wechtler, Tao Bai, & Lingin Zheng Highlights The proliferation of global crises has sparked...

Vulnerable Migrants, the COVID-19 Pandemic, and International Business
A Vicious Cycle, with Eun Su Lee, Chiara Berardi and Chris Brewster Credit: This poster is part of an awareness raising campaign, 'Real...

High-performance work system and transformational leadership for employee voice
The case of high power distance context, with Mats Ehrnrooth, Alexei Koveshnikov, and Balabanova Evgeniya Highlights Constructive...

Hidden Agenda for Cross-cultural Training
Understanding refugees’ cross-cultural experience through the capability approach, with Jeannie Lee Highlights Cross-cultural training...

Expatriates’ Embeddedness and Host Country Withdrawal Intention
A Social Exchange Perspective, with Miikka Lehtonen and Alexei Koveshnikov. Highlights In this study, we conceptualize the thus far...

Employment Relationships and their Implications among Self-Initiated Expatriates
With Alexei Koveshnikov and Cecile Dejoux. Highlights In this paper, we explore the employment relationships of self-initiated...

Disasters and International Business
Insights and recommendations from a systematic review, with Bo Nielsen and Gloria (Linglin) Zheng Highlights Disasters – natural or...

A Vicious Cycle of Health (In)Equity
Migrant inclusion in light of COVID-19, with Chiara Berardi, Jeannie Lee, and Francesco Paolucci. Highlights Whilst mass vaccination is...

Authoritarian and Benevolent Leadership
The Role of Follower Homophily, Power Distance Orientation, and Employability, with Mats Ehrnrooth and Alexei Koveshnikov. Highlights...

A Study on Country Images, Destination Beliefs, and Travel Intentions
A structural equation model approach, with Arto Lindblom and Taru Lindblom Highlights This study explores how individuals' cognitive and...

Wrinkles of Change
CEO succession and reproduction of age profiles in the executive suite, with Mariano Heyden, Sebastiaan Van Doorn, and Marko Reimer...

Career Anchors and Cross-Cultural Adjustment
Among Expatriates in a Non-Profit Organization, with Alexei Koveshnikov and Cecile Dejoux Highlights Based on a sample of 189 expatriate...

The Red Flag Perspective
The nonlinear relationship between atypical applicant experience and hiring, with Mariano Heyden, Colin Lee, Will Felps, and Thomas Lee...

Life is elsewhere
A diary study of female self-initiated expatriates' motivations to work abroad Highlights The purpose of this paper is to examine the...

The three graces of leadership
Untangling the Relative Importance and the Mediating Mechanisms of Three Leadership Styles in Russia, with Alexei Koveshnikov and Mats...

Expatriates on the run
The psychological effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on expatriates’ host country withdrawal intentions, with Alexei Koveshnikov and Miikka...

Political Skill and Cross-Cultural Adjustment among Self-initiated Expatriates
The Role of Host Employer’s Psychological Contract Fulfilment, with Alexei Koveshnikov, Miriam Moeller, and Cecile Dejoux. Highlights...

Expatriate adjustment, emotional intelligence, and gender
Cross-cultural adjustment of expatriates: The role of emotional intelligence and gender , with Alexei Koveshnikov and Cecile Dejoux...
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