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The Face of Wrongdoing
An Expectancy violations perspective on CEO facial characteristics and media coverage of misconducting firms, with Mariano Heyden, Jun...

Disasters and International Business
Insights and recommendations from a systematic review, with Bo Nielsen and Gloria (Linglin) Zheng Highlights Disasters – natural or...

Maintaining optimal inventory and mitigating stockout risks during a pandemic
A collaborative approach to maintaining optimal inventory and mitigating stockout risks during a pandemic: capabilities for enabling...

An inductive Typology of Auditing Research
with Cedric Lesage Highlights Over the last 30 years audit practices have undergone what has been called an ‘‘explosion’’(Power 1994),...

Career Anchors and Cross-Cultural Adjustment
Among Expatriates in a Non-Profit Organization, with Alexei Koveshnikov and Cecile Dejoux Highlights Based on a sample of 189 expatriate...

The Red Flag Perspective
The nonlinear relationship between atypical applicant experience and hiring, with Mariano Heyden, Colin Lee, Will Felps, and Thomas Lee...

Life is elsewhere
A diary study of female self-initiated expatriates' motivations to work abroad Highlights The purpose of this paper is to examine the...
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