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Hidden Agenda for Cross-cultural Training
Understanding refugees’ cross-cultural experience through the capability approach, with Jeannie Lee Highlights Cross-cultural training...

Expatriates’ Embeddedness and Host Country Withdrawal Intention
A Social Exchange Perspective, with Miikka Lehtonen and Alexei Koveshnikov. Highlights In this study, we conceptualize the thus far...

Career Anchors and Cross-Cultural Adjustment
Among Expatriates in a Non-Profit Organization, with Alexei Koveshnikov and Cecile Dejoux Highlights Based on a sample of 189 expatriate...

Expatriates on the run
The psychological effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on expatriates’ host country withdrawal intentions, with Alexei Koveshnikov and Miikka...

Political Skill and Cross-Cultural Adjustment among Self-initiated Expatriates
The Role of Host Employer’s Psychological Contract Fulfilment, with Alexei Koveshnikov, Miriam Moeller, and Cecile Dejoux. Highlights...

Expatriate adjustment, emotional intelligence, and gender
Cross-cultural adjustment of expatriates: The role of emotional intelligence and gender , with Alexei Koveshnikov and Cecile Dejoux...

Just like a fine wine
Age, emotional intelligence, and cross-cultural adjustment, with Alexei Koveshnikov and Cecile Dejoux Highlights In this study, we use...
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