With Yuli Suseno, School of Management, RMIT, Melbourne, Australia.

Our research
Recent studies showed that almost a quarter of Australians have experienced a major form of discrimination. This also coincide with the recent launch of a new social inclusion index and Social Inclusion Australia. In parallel, corporate discourses of 'openness' and 'inclusion' are becoming omnipresent yet more work needs to be done to better understand how to make our organisations more inclusive in practice. Willing to contribute to improve the current issues faced by many Australians, we aim to focus on the workplace in particular and examine the role of work belongingness and inclusion perceived by employees and how those interact eventually with organisational outcomes such as job satisfaction and burnout.
Associated Research and Findings
Supporting Innovative Work Behavior in Times of Crisis: Change-oriented Leadership and the Power of Trust: (here)
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Heidi Wechtler: https://www.linkedin.com/in/heidi-wechtler-9349a647/
Yuli Suseno: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yuli-suseno-845b3382/